Tuesday 15 November 2011

Generator Pulse with IC 555

Many devices or electronic components that can be operated with an electric pulse, even they can be adjusted by electric pulses. For example, a stepper motor, for controlling the stepper motor, required stepper motor controllers which produces periodic pulses.

Motor rotational speed is determined by the frequency applied to the stepper motor. Electric pulses can be generated by the oscillator circuit that uses a IC 555 with astable mode.

This circuit operates at voltage range 10-12 V. Frequency generated by this circuit can be calculated by the formula:
F= 1/1,44 {(P1+R4)+ (2(P2+R3)} C2
Duty cycle of this circuit can be adjusted by changing the value in P1 and P2, and the frequency also can also be changed by varying the value in C2.

D1,D2 = 1N4148; P1 = 50K; P2 = 50K; R1 = 220 ohm; R2 = 1K; R3,R4 = 100 ohm; C1 = 0.01 uF; C2 = 100 nF; C3 = 100 uF/16V ; IC = 555; J= jumper.


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